- All concerned persons are hereby informed that the next Medical Registration Examination (MRE) will be held on 10 July 2024. The venue of the examination centre will be communicated at a later date.
- The MRE will be a computer-based examination set by the National Board of Examinations, New Delhi, India.
- The examination will be of 3 hour duration. There will be 150 Multiple Choice Questions having a question stem and 4 distractors with one correct/best response. An applicant shall be declared as having passed the examination only if he/she has scored a minimum of 75 marks.
- Candidates are requested to submit a copy of two recent passport size photographs, a copy of their National Identity Card and effect a payment of an exact amount of Rs 13 500/- in cash to the Medical Council of Mauritius.
- Last date for Receipt of Application Form is 20 June 2024 at latest by noon.
- An Admit Card will be issued by the Mauritius Examination Syndicate (MES) to all prospective MRE Candidates.
- Candidates should carefully examine the Admit Card and ensure that all the entries therein are correct. In case of any discrepancy, same shall immediately be brought to the notice of the Mauritius Examination Syndicate.
- No candidate shall be allowed to appear in the examination unless:
- He possesses a “diploma in Medicine” or equivalent qualification awarded by a recognized medical institution.
- He has completed to the satisfaction of the Medical Council a period of not less than 18 months of Pre- Registration Training.
- The Medical Council of Mauritius reserves the absolute right to withdraw the permission, if any, granted inadvertently to any applicant who is not eligible to appear in the MRE even though an Admit Card has been issued.
- The Result of the Medical Registration Examination will be published on the website of the MCM.
This Communiqué is published for general information. Further details may be obtained directly from the office of the Medical Council of Mauritius.
Click here to download the application form for appearing in the MRE
Medical Council of Mauritius, One Way Floreal Street- Floreal
Tel. 6988340/6988403
Date of Communique: 17 June 2024